English Weather Idioms That Can Help You Express Your Emotions

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Weather Idioms for Small Talk in English

It’s no secret that the English language is filled with idioms and expressions that can sometimes leave non-native speakers scratching their heads. And when it comes to describing the weather, things can get particularly tricky. 

But did you know that a host of weather-related idioms can be used to express a wide range of emotions? 

Whether you’re feeling happy, sad, angry, or just under the weather, these phrases can help you put your feelings into words more colorfully and creatively. 

So without further ado, let’s take a closer look at some of the most popular English weather idioms and how they can be used in everyday conversation.

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53 English Weather Idioms

  • Under the weather

This idiom means to feel unwell or in a low mood.

Example: I won’t be able to make it to the party tonight; I’m feeling a bit under the weather.

  • Weather the storm

It means to endure a difficult situation or overcome challenges.

Example: Despite all the setbacks, she managed to weather the storm and succeed in her business.

  • A ray of sunshine

This idiom refers to something or someone that brings happiness or positivity.

Example: After a long, tiring day, seeing my dog wagging its tail was like a ray of sunshine.

  • Storm in a teacup

This idiom refers to a small issue or problem blown out of proportion, creating unnecessary drama. 

Example: Don’t worry about their earlier argument; it was just a storm in a teacup.

  • Rain on someone’s parade

It means to spoil someone’s plans or bring negativity to a situation.

Example: I was excited about my promotion announcement, but my colleague’s criticism really rained on my parade.

  • Cloud nine

This idiom describes a state of extreme happiness or bliss.

Example: Winning the lottery put her on cloud nine for weeks.

  • Save it for a rainy day

It means to save something, usually money or resources, for future use or emergencies.

Example: Instead of buying a new gadget, I decided to save the money for a rainy day.

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  • Break the ice

This idiom means to initiate conversation or make a situation more comfortable, especially in a social setting.

Example: John told a joke to break the ice at the party and get people talking.

  • Blow hot and cold

It refers to having conflicting or inconsistent opinions or emotions about something.

Example: She’s been blowing hot and cold about whether she wants to go on the trip or not.

  • In the fog

This idiom means feeling confused or uncertain about a situation, similar to being in a fog where visibility is limited.

Example: I’ve been studying all day, but I’m still in the fog about this math problem.

  • Weather the storm

It means to endure a difficult situation or overcome challenges.

Example: Despite the financial crisis, the company managed to weather the storm and stay afloat.

  • Get wind of something

This idiom means to hear or learn about something, often through unofficial sources.

Example: I got wind of a new job opening at the company through a friend.

  • Fair-weather friend

It refers to someone who is only supportive or friendly during good times but abandons you during difficult times.

Example: He’s not a reliable friend; he’s just a fair-weather friend who disappears when things get tough.

  • Brighten up

This idiom means to become happier or more cheerful, often used to encourage someone to improve their mood.

Example: The surprise visit from her best friend really brightened up her day.

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  • Leave someone out in the cold

It means excluding or neglecting someone, leaving them isolated or ignored. 

Example: The team worked on the project without informing Mark, leaving him out in the cold.

  • Chase rainbows

This idiom means to pursue unrealistic or unattainable goals or dreams.

Example: He’s always chasing rainbows with his business ideas but never takes practical steps to achieve them.

  • In the eye of the storm

It refers to being in the midst of a chaotic or turbulent situation.

Example: Despite all the chaos around her, she remained calm and composed, as if she was in the eye of the storm.

  • Cold shoulder

This idiom means to show deliberate indifference or disregard towards someone.

Example: She tried to approach her colleagues for help, but they gave her the cold shoulder.

  • Pouring rain

It is a metaphor for a situation or experience that is intense, overwhelming, or difficult. 

Example: During the exam week, the number of assignments felt like pouring rain, leaving little time for relaxation.

  • Gloomy outlook

This idiom refers to pessimistic or negative expectations about the future.

Example: The economic forecast for the next year presents a gloomy outlook with predictions of a recession.

  • Keep a weather eye on someone/something

It means monitoring or watching someone/something closely, often to be aware of potential risks or changes. 

Example: The detective advised the homeowner to keep a weather eye on the neighborhood for any suspicious activities.

  • It’s raining cats and dogs

This idiom is used to describe heavy rain or a downpour.

Example: We had to cancel our picnic because it started raining cats and dogs.

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  • When it rains, it pours

It means that when something bad or challenging happens, it tends to occur in a series or all at once.

Example: First, I lost my job, and then my car broke down. When it rains, it pours.

  • Right as rain

This idiom means perfectly fine, healthy, or in good working condition.

Example: After a good night’s sleep, she felt right as rain and ready to tackle the day.

  • Take a rain check

It means to politely decline an invitation or offer for now, with the intention of accepting it at a later time.

Example: I can’t make it to the movie tonight, but can I take a rain check and join you next week instead?

  • Come rain or shine

This idiom signifies a commitment or dedication to doing something, regardless of the weather or any obstacles.

Example: The postman delivers the mail every day, come rain or shine.

  • A pot of gold at the end of the rainbow

It refers to a highly desirable or rewarding outcome or reward that is difficult to attain.

Example: After years of hard work, she finally achieved her dream job—a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

  • Life isn’t all rainbows and unicorns (or sunshine)

This idiom means that life is not always perfect or filled with happiness.

Example: She realized that life isn’t all rainbows and unicorns after facing several challenges.

  • It’s a breeze

It means that something is effortless to do. 

Example: After studying the material thoroughly, the exam felt like a breeze.

  • Something in the wind

This idiom suggests hints or indications of something happening or about to happen. 

Example: There’s something in the wind about the company restructuring, but we don’t have any official announcements yet.

  • Run like the wind

It means to run very fast or with great speed.

Example: She ran like the wind to catch the last bus of the day.

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  • Scattered to the four winds

This idiom means that people or things have been dispersed or scattered in various directions.

Example: After the breakup, their mutual friends scattered to the four winds.

  • Throw caution to the wind

It means to take risks or act without considering the possible consequences.

Example: She decided to throw caution to the wind and pursue her passion for traveling, even if it meant leaving her stable job.

  • Calm before the storm

This idiom describes a period of relative tranquility or peace before a significant and potentially challenging event or situation.

Example: The office seemed calm before the storm of the big project deadline.

  • Any port in a storm

It means to accept any available option or solution during a difficult or challenging situation.

Example: I didn’t love the job, but I had to accept it because any port in a storm.

  • Tempest in a teapot

This idiom refers to a situation or problem that is exaggerated or blown out of proportion, similar to a small storm in a teapot.

Example: The argument over the minor issue turned into a tempest in a teapot with everyone getting involved.

  • It’s a perfect storm

It means a situation where multiple factors combine to create a particularly intense or challenging outcome.

Example: The company faced financial difficulties, employee strikes, and a decrease in market demand—a perfect storm of challenges.

  • Storm off/out

This idiom means to leave a place or situation in a sudden and angry or dramatic manner.

Example: He got frustrated with the argument and stormed off before anyone could calm him down.

  • Cooking up a storm

It means to cook or prepare food energetically and with great skill.

Example: She loves cooking and can always be found in the kitchen, cooking up a storm.

  • On thin ice

This idiom means to be in a risky or precarious situation, often with potential consequences.

Example: “After missing several deadlines, he knew he was on thin ice with his boss.”

  • As cold as ice

It means to be emotionally distant, unfriendly, or lacking warmth

Example: “Despite her attempts to make conversation, he remained as cold as ice towards her.”

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  • Keep (someone/something) on ice

This idiom means to keep someone or something in a state of readiness or temporarily on hold.

Example: The project was kept on ice until the necessary resources were available.

  • Pure as the driven snow

It describes someone or something that is completely pure, innocent, or untainted.

Example: She had a reputation for being pure as the driven snow, always making ethical decisions.

  • Snow on the roof

This idiom refers to a person who is old or elderly.

Example: Even though he’s got some snow on the roof, he’s still full of energy and vitality.

  • Snowball into (something)

It means for a situation or problem to rapidly grow or escalate in size or intensity.

Example: What started as a minor disagreement soon snowballed into a full-blown argument.

  • Snowed under

This idiom means to be overwhelmed or inundated with a large amount of work or responsibilities.

Example: I can’t join you for dinner tonight; I’m completely snowed under with deadlines.

  • Snow job

It refers to a deceptive or misleading act intended to persuade or convince someone.

Example: The salesman gave me a snow job with his exaggerated claims about the product’s effectiveness.

  • Make hay while the sun shines

This idiom means to take advantage of an opportunity or favorable conditions while they last.

Example: The market conditions are ideal right now, so we should make hay while the sun shines and expand our business.

  • Moment in the sun

It refers to a period of recognition, fame, or success.

Example: After years of hard work, the artist finally had his moment in the sun when his paintings gained international acclaim.

  • Place in the sun

This idiom signifies a position or opportunity that allows someone to be successful, influential, or prosperous.

Example: She worked hard to achieve her place in the sun and become a respected leader in her industry.

  • Nothing new under the sun

This idiom means that everything has already been experienced or nothing is truly new or original.

Example: The concept he presented was intriguing, but in reality, there’s nothing new under the sun.

  • Everything under the sun

It refers to a wide range or variety of things, encompassing everything imaginable.

Example: You can find everything under the sun at that department store, from clothing to electronics.

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  • To think the sun rises and sets

This idiom means to have an exaggerated or self-centered view of one’s importance or influence.

Example: He thinks the sun rises and sets on him, always expecting special treatment.


English weather idioms offer a fun and interesting way to communicate emotions. Incorporating them into our speech can enhance our language skills and make our conversations more engaging. 

If you want to expand your vocabulary further, consider trying the zoundslike app. With its innovative approach to language learning, you can improve your English skills and communicate more effectively in no time. 

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Q1: What are weather idioms? 

A1: Weather idioms are expressions or phrases that use weather-related words to convey a particular meaning or figuratively express emotions.

Q2: How can weather idioms help me express my emotions? 

A2: Weather idioms provide a creative and colorful way to describe your emotions, allowing you to communicate your feelings more vividly and expressively.

Q3: Are weather idioms commonly used in everyday conversations? 

A3: Yes, weather idioms are commonly used in English-speaking countries and are an integral part of informal conversations, literature, and even business interactions.

Q4: Are weather idioms exclusive to the English language?

A4: Many languages have their own set of weather idioms. However, the specific idioms and their usage may vary across different languages and cultures.

Q5: Can I create my own weather idioms? 

A5: While weather idioms are generally established expressions, creative language use allows for the invention of new idioms. Feel free to explore and experiment with language to express yourself uniquely.

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