English Feelings: 33 Words to Express Your Emotions

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33 English Words You can use to Express Feelings Emotions

Emotions are an essential part of being human. They shape our experiences, influence our decisions, and connect us to others. But sometimes, finding the right words to express how we feel can be a challenge. 

That’s why we’ve compiled a list of 33 English words that can help you identify and communicate your emotions more effectively. Whether you’re feeling elated, frustrated, or somewhere in between, these words can help you articulate your feelings with greater precision and clarity. 

So, let’s dive in and explore the wonderful world of English feelings!

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11 English Expressions for Feeling Good

If you are in a good or cheerful mood, you are most likely experiencing one of the following emotions.

  • Glad

Meaning: Feeling pleased, happy, or satisfied about something. 

When you are glad, you experience a sense of joy or satisfaction in response to a positive event or circumstance./p<>

Example: I’m glad that I passed my exam. All my hard work paid off.

  • Content

Meaning: Feeling a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment with one’s current situation or state of being. 

Being content implies being at peace and accepting of what one has without desiring more. 

Example: After a long day of hiking, sitting by the campfire and enjoying the beautiful night sky made me feel content.

  • Elated

Meaning: Experiencing great happiness or excitement, often due to a significant achievement or joyful event. 

When elated, you feel an overwhelming sense of joy and jubilation. 

Example: Winning the championship made me feel elated. It was a dream come true.

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  • Ecstatic

Meaning: Feeling extreme joy, delight, or euphoria beyond ordinary happiness. 

Explanation: Being ecstatic indicates heightened happiness and intense emotional pleasure. 

Example: When I received the acceptance letter from my dream university, I was absolutely ecstatic. It was the best news I could have hoped for.

  • Excited

Meaning: Feeling enthusiastic, eager, or thrilled about something anticipated or expected.

Excitement is a heightened positive anticipation, often accompanied by increased energy and enthusiasm. 

Example: I’m so excited about my upcoming vacation to Hawaii. I can’t wait to relax on the beautiful beaches.

  • Eager

Meaning: Showing keen interest, enthusiasm, or readiness for something. 

Being eager indicates a strong desire or enthusiasm to participate in or experience something. 

Example: She was eager to start her new job and make a positive impact on the company from day one.

  • Proud

Meaning: Feeling a sense of satisfaction, honor, or achievement in oneself or someone else’s accomplishments. 

Pride is a positive emotion that arises when you or someone you care about has achieved something significant. 

Example: I feel so proud of my sister for completing her first marathon. She trained hard and crossed the finish line with a big smile.

  • Tranquil

Meaning: Feeling calm, serene, and at peace. 

Tranquility is a state of inner calm and tranquility, free from stress, worries, or disturbances. 

Example: Sitting by the lake and listening to the gentle sounds of nature made me feel tranquil and relaxed.

  • Hopeful

Meaning: Feeling optimistic or having a positive outlook for the future.

Being hopeful implies believing or expecting things to turn out well or improve.

Example: Despite the challenges, she remained hopeful that her hard work would lead to success.

  • Confident

Meaning: Feeling self-assured, certain, and believing in one’s abilities or qualities.

Confidence is a positive state of mind where you trust in your own capabilities and feel assured in your actions or decisions.

Example: She felt confident about her presentation because she had prepared thoroughly and knew the topic well.

  • Loved

Meaning: Experiencing a deep sense of affection, care, and being valued by others.

Explanation: Feeling loved indicates a strong emotional connection and a sense of being cherished and appreciated by someone.

Example: Surrounded by her family and friends, she felt loved and supported on her special day.

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11 English Expressions for Feeling Down

Is something upsetting you, or are you feeling down? The terms listed below may assist you in expressing your emotions.

  • Sad

Meaning: Feeling unhappy, sorrowful, or experiencing a low mood.

Sadness is a common human emotion characterized by a feeling of unhappiness, often accompanied by tears, low energy, and a general sense of melancholy.

Example: She felt sad after hearing the news of her friend’s passing.

  • Depressed

Meaning: Feeling deep sadness, hopelessness, and a lack of interest or pleasure in activities.

Depression is a mental health condition characterized by persistent feelings of sadness, loss of motivation, changes in sleep or appetite, and a general sense of despair.

Example: He has been struggling with depression for months, finding it difficult to enjoy anything or find meaning in life.

  • Feeling Down

Meaning: Being in a low or gloomy state of mind or experiencing a temporary decrease in mood.

Feeling down refers to a temporary emotional state of being sad, demotivated, or experiencing a general sense of low spirits.

Example: I had a rough day at work, so I’m feeling a bit down right now.

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  • Disgusted

Meaning: Experiencing strong feelings of revulsion, aversion, or repulsion.

Disgust is an intense emotional response often triggered by something offensive, repulsive, or morally objectionable.

Example: The sight of spoiled food in the fridge made her feel disgusted.

  • Guilty

Meaning: Feeling remorse or responsibility for perceived wrongdoing or violating moral or ethical standards. 

Guilt is an emotional response that arises when we believe we have done something wrong or failed to meet our or others’ expectations. 

Example: She felt guilty for not keeping her promise to help her friend.

  • Hurt

Meaning: Experiencing emotional pain, distress, or feeling wounded. 

Hurt refers to the feeling of being emotionally injured or harmed, often resulting from a personal loss, disappointment, or betrayal. 

Example: His harsh words hurt her deeply.

  • Lonely

Meaning: Feeling a deep sense of solitude, isolation, or a lack of companionship. 

Loneliness is an emotional state characterized by a longing for connection, feeling socially disconnected, or lacking a sense of belonging. 

Example: After moving to a new city, she felt lonely without any close friends nearby.

  • Angry

Meaning: Experiencing solid feelings of displeasure, frustration, or rage. 

Anger is an intense emotional response triggered by perceived injustice, provocation, or an obstacle to one’s desires or expectations. 

Example: He became angry when his colleague took credit for his idea.

  • Jealous

Meaning: Feeling envious or resentful of someone else’s possessions, qualities, or achievements.

Explanation: Jealousy is an emotion that arises when one feels threatened by the possibility of losing something they value, such as a relationship or a desired outcome.

Example: She felt jealous when she saw her best friend spending time with someone else.

  • Scared

Meaning: Experiencing fear, fright, or a sense of being threatened by something.

Being scared is a natural response to perceived danger, potential harm, or a threatening situation.

Example: He felt scared when he heard a loud noise in the middle of the night.

  • Anxious

Meaning: Feeling unease, worry, or nervousness about an anticipated event, situation, or outcome.

Anxiety is a state of heightened apprehension or concern, often accompanied by physical symptoms like restlessness, increased heart rate, or difficulty concentrating.

Example: She felt anxious before her job interview, fearing that she might not perform well.

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11 Other Common English Feelings

Isn’t it amazing when you come across the precise word that accurately conveys your emotions? Well, rejoice as we present you with different common emotions that we encounter, coupled with their appropriate terms.

  • Confused

Meaning: Feeling uncertain, puzzled, or lacking clarity about something.

Confusion arises when one cannot make sense of a situation, idea, or information.

Example: After reading the complex instructions, she was confused about how to assemble the furniture.

  • Surprised

Meaning: Experiencing astonishment or a sudden unexpected reaction to something.

Surprise is an emotional response to an event or situation that deviates from one’s expectations.

Example: He was pleasantly surprised when his friends threw him a surprise birthday party.

  • Curious

Meaning: Having a strong desire to know or learn about something.

Curiosity is a feeling of interest and eagerness to explore or gain knowledge.

Example: “The child was curious about how plants grow, so she asked her teacher many questions.”

  • Bored

Meaning: Feeling uninterested, lacking enthusiasm, or experiencing a sense of tedium.

Boredom occurs when one feels disengaged or unstimulated by their current activities or surroundings.

Example: During the long wait at the airport, he felt bored and started playing games on his phone.

  • Nostalgic

Meaning: Feeling a sentimental longing or affectionate remembrance for something from the past.

Explanation: Nostalgia is a bittersweet emotion that arises when we recall fond memories or experiences from our earlier years.

Example: Looking at old photographs from my childhood makes me feel nostalgic for the carefree days of my youth.

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  • Indifferent

Meaning: Showing a lack of interest, concern, or emotional investment in a particular matter.

Explanation: Indifference is a state of being uninvolved or unaffected by something, often resulting in a neutral or apathetic attitude.

Example: She seemed indifferent to the outcome of the game, as she wasn’t a fan of either team.

  • Strange

Meaning: Feeling puzzled, uneasy, or unfamiliar with something due to its peculiarity or unfamiliarity.

Explanation: Strangeness is a response to encountering something that is unusual, odd, or outside of the norm.

Example: Walking through the abandoned building gave her a strange feeling, as if she were being watched.

  • Ambivalent

Meaning: Experiencing mixed emotions or conflicting feelings towards a particular person, situation, or decision.

Ambivalence is characterized by having contradictory attitudes, thoughts, or emotions about something, often making it challenging to make a clear choice or decision.

Example: She felt ambivalent about accepting the job offer because it meant moving to a new city but also presented exciting career opportunities.

  • Baffled

Meaning: Feeling completely puzzled, confused, or bewildered by something.

Bafflement occurs when one cannot comprehend or understand a particular situation, concept, or behavior.

Example: The intricate puzzle left him completely baffled, and he couldn’t figure out how to solve it.

  • Pensive

Meaning: Engaged in deep or severe thought, often with a tinge of sadness or pensiveness.

Pensive describes a state of reflective and contemplative thinking, often accompanied by a melancholic or thoughtful mood.

Example: As she sat by the window, she wore a pensive expression, lost in her own thoughts and memories.

  • Wistful

Meaning: Feeling a gentle, nostalgic longing or yearning for something in the past or an unfulfilled desire.

Wistfulness is a sentiment of longing or yearning mixed with sadness for something that may be unattainable or no longer present.

Example: When she heard their favorite song, she couldn’t help but feel wistful for the carefree days of their youth.


In conclusion, English provides many words to articulate an extensive range of emotions. Whether you prefer simple words or more intricate and subtle ones, the 33 words mentioned above will help you communicate your feelings more effectively and establish a deeper connection with those around you. 

Whether you’re feeling elated, downcast, irate, or anything in between, familiarizing yourself with these words and their meanings can facilitate a better understanding and expression of your emotions. 

To discover more such words, you can check out Zoundslike, an innovative English learning app that makes building your vocabulary an engaging and enjoyable experience.

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