25 Australian Slang Words & Phrases You Should Know

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Australian Slang Words & Phrases

G’day mates! Are you planning a trip to the land Down Under soon? Or maybe you just want to expand your knowledge of different English dialects? Either way, you’ve come to the right place! 

Australia has a unique slang language that can sometimes be confusing for outsiders. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered with a list of essential Aussie slang words and phrases that will have you speaking like a true blue Aussie in no time. 

So grab a cold one, sit back, and let’s dive into the world of Australian slang!

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25 Australian Slang Words & Phrases

  • G’day 

This is a shortened form of “good day” and is commonly used as a casual greeting, similar to “hello” or “hi.”

Example: G’day, mate! How’s it going?

  • Mate 

In Australia, “mate” is a term used to refer to a friend, companion, or sometimes even a stranger. It’s a way of addressing someone in a friendly and informal manner.

Example: Hey, mate, can you give me a hand with this?

  • Arvo 

“Arvo” is a shortened form of “afternoon.” It is used to refer to the time period between noon and evening.

Example: Let’s meet up at the beach this arvo.

  • Brekkie 

This is a slang term for breakfast. Australians often use this word to refer to their morning meal.

Example: I had a delicious brekkie of bacon and eggs this morning.

  • Barbie

In Australia, “barbie” is a shortened term for barbecue. Australians love their barbecues and often gather around for outdoor cooking and socializing.

Example: Let’s have a barbie in the backyard this weekend and invite our friends.

  • Maccas

This is a slang term used to refer to McDonald’s, the popular fast food chain.

Example: I’m craving some fries, let’s grab a quick bite at Maccas.

Read Also: 44 Animal Idioms to Spruce Up Your English Vocabulary

  • Bikkie

“Bikkie” is a shortened form of “biscuit” or “cookie.” Australians use this term to refer to sweet treats.

Example: Would you like a cup of tea with a bikkie?

  • Thongs

In Australia, “thongs” are not underwear but rather a term used for flip-flops or sandals worn on the feet.

Example: I’m heading to the beach, so I’ll slip on my thongs.

  • Vegemite

Vegemite is a popular spread made from yeast extract. It is often eaten on toast and is an iconic Australian food item.

Example: I had Vegemite on toast for breakfast this morning.

  • She’ll be right 

This phrase is used to express confidence or reassurance that everything will be okay or work out fine.

Example: Don’t worry about the minor issue; she’ll be right.

  • No worries 

This phrase is used to convey a laid-back and easy-going attitude. It means “don’t worry” or “it’s not a problem.”

Example: Thanks for helping me out.” “No worries, mate.

  • Aussie 

 “Aussie” is a term used to refer to an Australian person.

Example: I’m a proud Aussie, born and raised in Sydney.

  • Fair dinkum 

This phrase is used to describe something as genuine, true, or authentic.

Example: He’s a fair dinkum cricket player, one of the best in the team.

  • Ripper 

“Ripper” is a slang term used to express excitement or enthusiasm about something. It means fantastic, excellent, or great.

Example: That wave was a ripper! I had an amazing surf session.

  • Chook

In Australia, “chook” is a slang term for a chicken. It is commonly used when referring to a cooked or live chicken.

Example: Let’s roast a chook for dinner tonight.

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  • Sickie 

“Sickie” refers to taking a day off from work or school by claiming to be sick, even if you’re not actually ill. It is used to describe a fake sick day.

Example: I’m feeling a bit tired, I might take a sickie tomorrow and have a long weekend.

  • Servo

 “Servo” is a shortened form of “service station” or “gas station.” Australians often use this term when referring to a place where they can fuel up their vehicles.

Example: I need to stop at the servo to fill up the car with petrol.

  • Ute 

“Ute” is short for “utility vehicle,” which is essentially a pickup truck. Utes are popular in Australia for their versatility and practicality.

Example: I use my ute to transport tools and equipment for work.

  • Dunny 

“Dunny” is a slang term for a toilet or restroom. It is a casual way of referring to a bathroom facility.

Example: Excuse me, mate, where’s the dunny around here?

  • Bottle-o 

“Bottle-o” is a shortened term for a liquor store or bottle shop, where alcoholic beverages are sold.

Example: I’ll swing by the bottle-o on the way to the party and grab some drinks.

  • How ya going?

This is a common Australian greeting, similar to “How are you?” or “How are you doing?” It’s a way of asking about someone’s well-being or current situation.

Example: Hey, mate, long time no see! How ya going?

  • Crikey

“Crikey” is an expression used to convey surprise, astonishment, or excitement. It’s often associated with the late Australian wildlife expert Steve Irwin.

Example: Crikey! Look at the size of that crocodile!

  • Streuth

 “Streuth” is a minced oath derived from “God’s truth.” It is an exclamation of surprise or disbelief.

Example: Streuth, I can’t believe we won the lottery!

  • Heaps good

“Heaps good” is an expression used to describe something as excellent, great, or really good. “Heaps” is an Australian slang term meaning “a lot” or “very.”

Example: That concert last night was heaps good! The band was amazing.

  • Fully sick

“Fully sick” is an expression used to describe something as extremely cool, awesome, or impressive.

Example: Did you see his new car? It’s fully sick!

  • True Blue

“True Blue” refers to someone who is genuinely Australian, loyal, and patriotic. It can also be used to describe something as authentic or genuine.

Example: He’s a true blue Aussie, always supporting the local sports teams.

Read Also: 29 Sports Idioms In English With Examples


To sum it up, Australia’s culture is unique and fascinating, and one of its defining features is its use of slang words and phrases. Learning these terms can deepen your understanding and appreciation for the country and perhaps even help you better connect with its people. 

And for those looking to further improve their vocabulary, Zoundslike is an excellent language-learning app that can help you speak like a native. So why not try it and see how your Aussie slang skills improve? 

Download the app now and start exploring the rich world of the Australian vernacular!

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